Monday, January 11, 2016

A Week on the Ranch ! ;)

     This top pic was taken about 4 days ago, but this was snow from from the storm on the 27th of Dec.  I drove by yesterday and there is still a pile there. This is right down the road from us.
      Now as you can see we had about an inch of snow Thursday night. Fred really likes it.  He races around the house in a circle. He also loves putting his nose down into it and rutting like a hog.  They just came back from their trip to the mail box and looking for critters.

     Well, I love the fireplace so much. That I used all the trees that Brent and Heath cut down this year.  We had to buy some yesterday.  Having to get use to this. The other wood was so old that it wood start so fast.  Grant it, I had a lot of kindling also. (ran out)  So when the snow is gone I will be back out looking for more twigs and such to use for kindling.  The new wood we bought is Oak

     The ducks enjoying some warm weather with no snow or ice.   They even had a pool party in the smaller pools in the back yard.  We have changed every ones feeds to 22 % and the chickens and the ducks are both starting to lay eggs.  :)

     I have been in training out in the Bam Bam Holsters Shop.  He has started going to go Gun Shows and the other day he cut out about 15 holsters and I sanded the edges down.  Then he did some work to them .  Then I wet the edges down so that he could bevel the edges.  After that the tops were wet so they could be stamped

      This is just a very pretty holster setup he made for a very pretty gun.  (yes the gun was blue also)

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

Beautiful Sunset.

Modeling on the ranch runway.

Up high looking for rats.


  1. I can't wait to see the pictures coming for this spring. I'll bet you have so many different shades of green popping out, not to mention all kind of flowers, trees and bushes budding out!

    1. It will be interesting to see what all bulbs and seeds that where planted last year come up.


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...