Saturday, January 2, 2016

What a Week it Has Been !

   Hard to believe that it has been a week since Winter Storm Goliath that hit the Amarillo area.  We did not get as much as the city received or the southern parts of town.  Our grass was not covered , we just had the large snow drifts and still do.  We also had a lot of high winds for 3 days and lots of tumbleweeds.

      Here is a full house for you. ( Three hens and two roosters. )  The chickens ,  ducks and everyone else all survived the storm.  They did for a few days live in the barn because of the frigid temps.  When it warms up good we are going to have to give the barn a good cleaning.

     When I think of a beautiful winter day. This is what I think of.  I love it when we have a freezing fog.  As we were driving down the road on News Years Eve, I told Brent to stop so we could stop and take some pics of the Ranch as we were driving in. It was just so Beautiful!

     We still are not sure how we are going to get rid of all the tumble weeds.  All the corrals are full of them.  We have burned some of them and mowed over them. There are still a lot to go.

Until Next Week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

P. S.  If interested , check out my husbands blog at the top.

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