Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2 Moore's Ranch ****** A Week in Pictures.

The line starts here for food.

They all eat together.

Our great rat killer.

Please! Can we come in.
Firewood from my parents house.

What a difference a few hours make.

Same feeder as above. This was just earlier in the day.

Freezing fog.

Freezing fog.

Freezing fog.

Freezing fog.

Freezing fog.

Freezing fog.

Freezing fog.

Maxine one of the outside rabbits.

Maxine and Midnight

On the way to my parents house.
Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch


  1. Did you bring a trailer of wood home from Mom and Dad's? Was it from limbs that had fallen or did you cut down a dead tree?

    1. It was wood from the ice storm Thanksgiving weekend. They Started cutting it and we brought a pickup bed load home with us. There will be more in the future for next year.


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...