Thursday, April 2, 2015

Clean-up......... Oh My!

     Thursday Mr. 2Moores was home early so we started doing some clean up around the 2Moores Ranch.  There was a lot of low hanging branches and shrubs that needed pruning so we can see what is under therm   You know, SNAKES!!!!  W hen we were done with our part,  the rest of the clean up crew came in to do their part. They sure had fun.

     We had already cleaned up 2 evergreen bushes and some limbs off a tree and took all that stuff out to the shooting berm we are building.  Was working on another evergreen and Mr. 2Moores was laying on the ground when I saw something move.  Was too surprised to yell. I said, snake, Snake, SNAKE!  Before he could shoot it , into an old tree stump it went.  Went and got a pick axe and tore it up. Still no snake.  So while he was working on another bush I was raking up all the dead wood. When it started moving.  That time I YELLED , S N A K E !!!!!!    Needless to saw it is the best kind of snake now.   Oh not a rattler.    It was under the bush to the right of hm in the pic. This was actually taken before we saw it the second time.
     A few more bushes got the axe, well chain saw today.  One we think is an Chaste tree.
      I think I have identified 3 Salt Cedar and as they are water drinkers, they are going.  One came down today.
We also trimmed up several of the cedar trees on the north side of the house. In total we hauled off 4 trailer loads of limbs today. This one was the last and we still are no where near finished. There are also several dead trees that need to come down.

     Two sets of little bunnies have been moved to the grow out pen.  They sure love all the new room and the mommies love all the extra room they have and also not having to share their food.

    The bigger grow outs sure do enjoy having run of the rabbit barn.  We have moved the hay out of reach of them and now when feeding if
you put the tub down on the floor they are all over it.

     There is a row of Lilac bushes out here and I have counted 12-13 of them with leaves and several of them are getting flowers on them.  They are around 2 feet tall or so, so it will be several years before they get really pretty .  But if we can keep them all watered, it will be really pretty on the north side of the house.

     Another reason I love living out in the country is.... We grew up in SW Oklahoma and we always had Air Force Planes flying over our house.  Well, we have Air Force Planes from New Mexico that fly here and being behind the Airport the planes and jets are always flying over head.  :)

Until next week.
The2Moores Ranch

1 comment:

  1. SNAKE! Already? Yikes! I'm so glad none of you were bitten and that Robin has been getting her snake bite shots. But I know, that's what to expect living where you are - you just have to be aware of where you are putting your hands and feet. The lilacs are going to be beautiful and you will hopefully be able to enjoy them for many years.


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...