Sunday, July 26, 2015

Work, and here Chick, Chick, Chick . It's All Just Fun!

Finally , after being here since the middle of February, we have gone through all the boxes and they have either been unpacked or repacked and put in our store room or in tubs up in the loft of the barn. There is only one left in the garage for the contents to be put in a tub.
A lot more room in the garage.

The family was all over yesterday and we all had a really good time.  Brent wanted to take our oldest grandson out to the barn area to feed the chickens, turkeys and all the others some bread.  He was not so sure what to think of all those funny looking birds.
What are those big birds?
The kitty did come up and wanted some loving.  He liked petting the kitty better than the birds I think.  It is good having the kitties being so loving so now we will not have to worry about them hurting the grand babies.  They just want to be loved and petted.
Love the kitty.

I planted 2 different kinds of Zucchini this year The first kind I planted was 2 plants and the other was seeds. I had not paid attention to the kind it was.  I started noticing that they were growing rather big.  Even went so far as to ask if they were Zucchini.  Seems I planted some that are just big varieties. 

We got out today and did some work out front.  There were several trees that needed limbs cut off before I ended up knocking my head off while mowing.  All those limbs were either cut if they were big enough for firewood or taken out to the shooting berm.The cute pic below is of the two ranch rides.  My trailer was carrying all the smaller branches and Brent's had all the big ones.
His and Hers.

After that we worked on the last little eye sore that was in front. We pulled another old tree stump out and pulled up the small fish pond that was there as it was only breeding mosquito's.  Yuck!!! All the rocks, cactus and two flower pots that were there were all taken out. Then the holes were filled in and we tried to level it out a little.  Should be easier to mow now.
and After

The sunsets out here are awesome.  There is nothing to block our view of it and I just love being outside at sunset and seeing them.  Wish everyone could see them with us in person. But the pictures will have to do.

It is so wonderful that everyone out here,  Cats, chickens, turkeys, Guinea's, ducks , rabbits and one of the dogs so far get along together..  Here is Billy the Ranch mascot getting along with the hens. He still runs in to the house most of the time by himself now at night.

Until next week,
The 2 Moores Ranch


  1. the best part is having family over..

  2. Everything is looking so good! I love the "his and her's!" The video with Levi is so cute - you can tell he is quite sure what to think of those big birds :)

    1. The big white birds I think were the ones he was not sure of, lol


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...