Everyone is growing up so fast on the farm. It seems like just yesterday that we brought the first ducks and the turkeys home. That was the middle of March. Look at Mr. Tom. First he started getting some color on his face and head and fanning out his feathers. Then I noticed that his wattle was bright red. Yesterday I saw that now it gets blue in it. Also his little black beard on his chest is growing bigger now. Now the people we bought them from are saying they are Beltsville Turkeys. A smaller breed which is good for small farms.
The mommy hen and her babies are doing really good. Them little guys are growing fast and they can all probably be let out soon to do some free ranging. First will be going out into the duck yard or moved over to the chicken yard. Will have to see.
Last week I was able to get my fish pond all cleaned up and put a small fence around it to keep the ducks out of it. I had needed to change the UV light in it and what a difference several days make. I can see to the bottom of it now. Also something I did not know. There are several baby fish in there about the size of my small finger. I never knew they were in there.
Small white fish by lily pad leaf. |
Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits that's what we got. These will be our last four litters for awhile. Just getting too warm and going to let them take a rest. Also the males do not like the heat. We will pick the breeding back up in the late fall. Everyone else is doing great and the ones we put outside seem to really be loving it.
Hershey's 3 babies |
Maxine's box load of babies. |
Brownies babies |
Cadbury and her babies. |
The ducks. Well , what can you say about the ducks. They are clowns and like to live on the wild side, as some would say. Fred has to be put on a chain while everyone is free ranging or he chases them. As you can see he does not pay much attention to them when he is tied up. They and the chickens eat his food and swim in his pool.
They have started laying and this morning I brought in 7 eggs. Not bad. The pic. below was a few days ago when we got our first Peking egg. Now we have about 5 in the fridge. All total about 15 duck eggs in there.
Ducks in Freds area. |
Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch
A few parting shots.
Large orange Dragon Fly |
Zinnia bed is getting very pretty. |
My first Cactus Zinnia bloom. |
What we see when we start out the back door. |
Trampas watching bunnies. |
Betsey just being cute. |
Everything seems to be thriving well. The flowers are just beautiful. Can't believe how big the kittens and Fred have gotten :)