Saturday, May 2, 2015

A wonderful week on the farm.

     Today we added 10 new Rhode Island Red hens and a Rooster to our flock.  That makes us having 25 hens, 2 Roosters, 8 Guineas, 3 Turkeys, and 14 ducks plus 2 chicks, unsure if they are girls or boys.

The chicken house had been getting kinda crowded and with the new 11 ones I do believe the ducks will be sleeping outside starting tonight under their new shelter.
 We had been getting anywhere from 5-11 eggs a day.  Getting the new ones, we should start getting 15 or more a day.  We have a few people that are wanting eggs, so this will help.  We also got our first double yolk the other day.

 We have started cutting the Deer Plot mix we planted when we moved out here. The rabbits have been getting fresh cut greens at night and when we can in the morning.  They sure do like having their salads again.

     Yesterday I finally got out and and finished making the rows in the veggie garden.  Was able to get some green beans , Black eyed peas, corn and a few other things in the ground finally.  I also finally got out there and weeded the rows that were already out there.
     The Turkeys have decided they rule the roost here.  They go and do whatever they well please. Whether it be sitting on the tractor, the top of the fence, the barn roof, the front porch railing, lol.  Next stop, probably the house roof. This was taken after I made them get off the porch.
     Last Monday it rained almost all day. A really good soaking rain. Here at our house we received almost 2 1/2 inches!!!!!!  What a blessing from God that was.

Until next week.
The 2 Moores Ranch


  1. I'm thinking a bigger hen house is in the near future :)
    You will be so happy when your own veggies start coming up and you have your first harvest.


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...