Saturday, April 25, 2015

New Bunnies and Trees!

     Hello all.  Been a busy week on the farm.  There is another new litter of babies out in the Rabbit barn.  Looks like we have at least 6 new New Zealand babies.  Puts us up too 12 or a few more in the past week.

     Our little Rex grow out Bugs as the kids have named him is turning into a very handsome rabbit.  Sure hope we will be able to get more tans.
      The ducks with a little coaxing are starting to explore more of the yard.  We have moved their small pools out into the yard.  The last two days they have even been out by the rabbit barn.The turkeys just go where ever they want to and roost where ever they want too.

     We decided to get  some new trees to plant. We bought 4 Weeping Willows to plant for the rabbits to eat.  They will also make some good shade trees when they get bigger.  This pic was taken when Brent was pulling into the drive with 4 trees flapping in the breeze.
      This is what we run into in the afternoons when we come home.  They are putting up a large wind farm off hwy  287.  Glad it is over there.   When we started seeing all the parts over by the power plants we were worried it was going up by us.

Until next week.
 The 2 Moores Ranch



  1. Bunnies are cute. I'm glad all the feathered family are settling in nicely and enjoying their range time.


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...