This week end was spent cleaning up some of the buildings. The rabbit and chicken house got much needed cleaning. It has been in need for some time so we decided to get it done since we had a few baby rabbits die. We think they may have eaten some mushrooms I found growing on the floor and got sick. It bothers me so much when something happens to them. I try to take such good care of them.
All the old straw that was on the floor. plus some of the top soil was dug up and was put in the compost pile. We let in about 10 chickens to scratch around in there for a while to get any bugs that were on the ground. Then brought in 3 tractor buckets of dirt and put down and then new straw. We then moved some of the cages and shelves around in there so we could move around better in the barn and better see under stuff.
Front of Rabbit Barn. |
Back of Rabbit Barn. |
Grow outs chilly on the floor. |
Grow outs chilling on the floor. |
Grow outs chilling on the floor. |
Cadbury and her 8 babies are doing great. The babies are growing like the weeds we have coming up everywhere. Brownies and her babies were moved to a cage so that her babies would not be hurt. She had 5 but one died earlier this week. The other 4 seem to be doing great.
A few of Cadbury's babies. |
Brownies babies |
While the chickens were in the rabbit barn we went to the chicken house and pulled all the straw out of there and cleaned the nesting boxes. We moved out some boxes that were on the floor and put them on the north side of the shop building so that there would be a place for then to lay while out free ranging and not have to run back to the chicken house. It is off the ground so that we can see what is under it and also be able to make sure that nothing bad is in the nest. Today was the first day we have gotten some eggs out of it.
Outside nesting boxes. |
On of the hens using the boxes. |
Billy took advantage of the new straw on the floor of the chicken house and chilled out in there this afternoon.
Billy chilling. |
The Chickens, ducks and turkeys are getting so big. The ducks are mating up and it is so cute watching the male or females waiting for the other.
A Male Peking and a Harlequin female. |
The Tom turkey's head has gotten all his color and now when he ruffles up all his feathers his head is so pretty
Tom Turkey in all his beauty |
. The chickens, well they are just crazy. The other day they all followed me up to the house and up the side walk to the back door.
My following. |
Earlier this week it seems either someone backed into out driveway fence or it was hit by a drunk driver that went into the ditch. Don't guess we will ever know which. Just so sad that someone will do that and not have the guts to tell the homeowners.
So sad!! |
Was able to get a really cute picture of my sweet Betsey. Both cats are so lovable and just go limp in your arms when you hold them. I think they are going to be really good mousers also. We found a few babies yesterday and they did kill them.
Betsey |
Until next week,
The 2 Moores Ranch
Love the pictures. Betsey is really cute and the one of the chickens following you to the back door is just great!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Betsey is my fav. Trampas is a ham all the time wanting attention. Them chickens are just crazy!!!!