Sunday, May 31, 2015

Oh! What a Week it has Been!

     We have tried several ways to cut the greens that we feed the rabbits.  Weed eater, hand trimmer, Weed whacker and now the best yet.  Brent decided to buy a scythe.  It works great.  Cuts the greens in half the time and some times more than we need, lol.  This is the Scythe Master!

     Last week we had more rain and with all the rain we had before that it sure did flood here. Of course we were not the only ones with all the flooding rains and keep all the people in the flood areas in our prayers.

     Along with all the rain the weeds are sure growing fast.  Brent got out the other day and did some mowing.  But we have decided we may need a smaller mower to get up close to the house.  Especially after today, when he was mowing I was not a happy camper at all!!!  He was mowing and had just gone under a tree.  I looked up and saw something strange.  When I realized what it was I started yelling and spreading my arms opening wide to show how big it was. Only a Bull snake , but it could sure do some damage in the rabbit house. 

     The kitties are really getting along well.  This pic of the little kitties playing on the tree was taken right next to the tree where the snake was.  Sure glad I didnt see it that day. 
     They stayed out in the rabbit barn all day yesterday and last night.  They are just rolling around out there having a lot of fun.  They have even been caught sleeping with them. 

     We have another new addition to the farm.  One of our neighbors across the street had some puppies. Part Lab part Australian Shepherd's.  Hopefully he will make a really good Guard dog.  Fred as he is being called has been introduced to the Rabbits . one turkey and ducks so far.  The chickens in a day or so. 

     The baby ducks have been running around the yard now with the others. They love the little swimming hole and stay in it most of the time until the big ones run them out.  But they wait until the big guys leave and then go right back in.  

     We got 4 more hens from my parents when they came.  That puts us up to 30 hens.  Egg production even went up last night.  We got 20 eggs yesterday!!  Now if they will just keep it up.  

     Mean while out in the Rabbit Barn the old saying about rabbits multiplying has happened.  We went from around 42 to 70 something in about 2 days.  Three rabbits had 7, 10 and 11 babies!!!! No pics of the new babies yet.  Will have some on next blog.

Until next week ,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

1 comment:

  1. Fred sure is cute - hope he works out as a good guard dog.
    I can't believe that snake was in the tree - YIKES on how big he was.


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...