Sunday, July 24, 2016

This Wonderful Week on the Ranch !!!

     The Black Eyed Peas have been producing nicely.  I have picked from them so far 3 times.  As long as I can keep them water as they need, we should have plenty to last us for the winter months.  Every night when I go out to feed and water I see more and more blooms on the plants. I took the pic. of the bloom with the water  droplets on it and thought it was so pretty.

       Now , if the Green Beans and the Lima Beans would start putting of pods.  I see plenty of blooms on them , but no beans yet. 

     I have picked 3 Cucumbers so far and am going to start making Dill Pickles for Brent and can any leftover liquid for future use.

      I found one Watermelon last night.  Also checked on the Pumpkin to see how it was doing.  There are a lot of little ones and one fairly large one.

     Of the four Bell Pepper plants I planted, I have one so far.  They were planted for the rabbits.  I sure hope they start doing better.

      The outside rabbits are getting so big, and some of them are literally outside.  The boys have found ways to get out of their yard.  We put nine out there. We have seen at least four white ones and two brown ones out running around.  They will be right up by the house.  As for water, they go to the pond for water and have all the grass and weeds to eat that they want.  There is plenty of places to hide and to get out of the shade.  When you see them and they start running, they will run right back to where they got out at.

     Look close and you will see bunny ears in the middle of the pic.

     The girls know they have it pretty good. They have rye grass growing in their pen and at night they get fresh cut greens to eat.  We just count to make sure there is 15 in there and no more.

     Yellow, Pinks, Orange's, with brown and green.  The wild flowers are putting on a great show in the back yard.  I just wish I had planted some in the front yard.  Oh  well.  The front yard has beauty of it's own with Hosta's and other green pretty plants.

     The Crape Myrtles are starting to bloom.  Light pink and dark pinks.  They are just so pretty and I love them so much.

     We have been so dry here , that last week Brent got out and mowed down all the tall Prairie Grass just to be on the safe side.  Robin got out there and would walk back and forth with him.    It looks so pretty , but different out there now.

     This is the nest of our broody hen.  Out of the eight eggs , all but three where not good.  They were also all guinea eggs,  She is still sitting on the nest , plus a few more guinea eggs have been added from a guinea laying it's eggs there when the hen gets up.

     The chicken's are back to running all over the property and up on the porch also.  Sunny posed for this pick with the flowers behind him.

     The eight baby chicken's and the one baby guinea from the chicken tractor are out running around.   They run and flap their wings trying to fly. They are so cute and are trying to get along with the older chicken's.

Until Next Week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

This weeks Sunrises, Sunsets, and Clouds.

     A few extra pics.

Betsey and her baby.

Fluffy is getting up on the dog crate now.
Grandson petting Fluffy.

Out with the old furniture.

It is now part of the Shooting Berm.

Brent and Fred coming back from opening the gate.  (Fred played with the Black and White cat last night.)  UGH!!!!!

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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Burmuda Grass, Veggies , Flowers, Geese and Rabbits, Oh My!

      We were given 2 bags of Bermuda grass last week end. We have it planted in a section in the backyard and watering it everyday keeping it wet.  Hoping that it grows and starts spreading and filling in.  We are wanting to get it growing good and then start digging some up and planting all over the property.

     Just look at these full and blooming Black Eyed Peas.  We are so excited. There is even pods starting to grow. 

     The cantaloupe plants are growing and there is and has been a lot of blooms on it. Hopefully we will have a lot of large cantaloupes this year.

     The corn is up to my chest so far and still growing. The first row and a half is already growing ears of corn.  A lot of the stalks have at least 3 ears on them. The other rows are starting to get the tassels on them now.

     It is looking like we are going to be having a nice harvest of cucumbers this year.  As I don't get to go to the Farmers Market like I use to, I am hoping for enough to make a lot of pickles this year.

     As for the Pumpkins and the Watermelons, We already have some Pumpkins forming and just waiting to see the first Watermelon growing.  The chickens and Ducks will be really happy this year.

     There are lots of Tomatoes and Peppers growing. The Rhubarb, and the Dill is getting great and you should see the size of the leaves on the rhubarb. I am also hoping to gather a lot of Dill seeds this year.

     It is getting very colorful on the Ranch. The Chaste tree is in full bloom and the Lantern tree is all gold and getting its little Lanterns on it.
     The Wildflower seeds that I had last year did a great job at reseeding and just look at how pretty they are this year. So much yellow. orange, white and pinks.

     I finally found a Desert Willow last week and have it planted in the back year.  It bloomed last night and the flowers are so pretty and smell so good.

     We brought back 4 baby geese from my parents house last week end.  The ducks have adopted them and now most of the time they are with them. Sometimes they go off by themselves or the ducks go off somewhere. Then the baby geese will start yelling for them. It is so cute as the are the same size as the ducks.

     The outside rabbits know the sound of the scythe when Brent is cutting greens and will all come running to the gate and wait for him to throw the greens over the fence for them. Brent will get a bucket and go feed them and then sit right where the greens are.  They will all come running to the food to eat right by him.

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

      A few extra pics for this week.

Betsey's (big) kitten.

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Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...