Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Moving Time , Green Pastures and Storms

     We finished the fences and finally got everyone moved to new homes. We did however put the new back rabbit fence up before we moved the cage that had some of the grow-out boys in it. First Brent put it on his sled and just pulled it by hand and then he brought the tractor in to do the heavy lifting.

     After the rabbits were moved we did some clean- up of the yard and then fixed the fence (again) in some areas. That night the chickens were run into the barn and then I came out here and feed them so that they knew this was their new running area for the summer. Once they are use to it we will be letting them out to free range again.

 The outside rabbits were moved over to the other side and they are loving it.  It is like a jungle to them.  Tall weeds and grasses.

     The grasses and deer plots that were planted last year  and the seeds that we planted this spring are now where we can start cutting for the rabbits.  They are sure loving their rye grass and the clover , and other stuff that is coming up in it is a great treat for them. The baby's are sure loving it also, and it cuts down on the feed bill.  Once the deer plot area that was planted this spring comes up good the ducks and chickens can come back out and free range during the day and eat bugs and critters and scare off others.

Fred roams around looking for cotton tails.

Bugs waiting for his greens.

     We have had a few good storms come through here and have have some much needed rain.  We did the other day, have our lights go off for the first time since we have lived out here.  

Weather Nation asked to use this pic!

Lots of rain!

Until Next Week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

This Weeks Sunsets.

This weeks extra pics.

Spirea is blooming

We are not sure what kind of bird this is?

Lark Bunting

Crowned Sparrow

Yellow Warbler

Pine cones for the rabbits.

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