Friday, April 22, 2016

Baby's Are All Growing So Fast !

     The baby's rabbit's are growing so fast.  Their eye's are open now. They are also jumping in and out of the nesting boxes. Pop , pop , pop! It is like a game to them , but at feeding time we have to count to make sure that everyone is accounted for.




     We have had a some storms roll through and bring some much needed rain.  It is very helpful as we did not have to go out and move the sprinklers all the time. All the stuff we have planted out in the fields are coming up great now.  Also after the storms we some awesome sunsets . We also were blessed with a few Rainbows.

     I know, I post a lot of sunset pics.  But , we sure get our share of wonderful sunsets and sunrise's. 

Until Next Week,
2 Moore's Ranch

Bugs Bunny

Baby Chicks in their new home.

The barn yarn.

Brent , Robin and Fred.

The pond !

The Ducks not wanting to go to bed!

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

New Baby Chicks Have Hatched !

    We have more Baby's !   The baby chicks finally hatched. We had problems with the incubator keeping the temp at the very beginning , so they came off late. They were suppose to hatch on the 5th , but they did not start hatching until the 8th. We ended up with about 18. They will be Rhode Island Red and Golden Laced Wyandotte with some mixed of the Wyandotte. The Wyandotte side has a mix of hens in it right now because we wanted all the Reds in one side. What we are wanting to have is just the two breeds.

      Getting the eggs collected again to start another batch going. Hope This  One goes a little better. 

     Had our first storm of the year last night.  We did not get any rain here. However, we did get some very high winds. see the Bare brown spot over by where the bird bath is? That is where the table is suppose be. 

     The door on Bam Bam Holster's took a direct hit also. 

     We have been getting areas replanted , so the poultry are let out   every once in a while we let them out for a Play Date with some close supervision to make sure they don't eat everything that is coming up.

 Until Next Week,
2 Moore's Ranch

This weeks extra pics.

Brent cleaning tumble weeds from the drive way so we can leave.

Our Apple trees from last year are blooming.
White Lilac's!

New pine cones!

Pine cones on the ground.

Fred loves his bagels !

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The2MooresRanch: Planting Trees and Baby Bunnies!

The2MooresRanch: Planting Trees and Baby Bunnies!:            Spring came around this year and I looked around and realized that I missed the Crabapple tree that was in the yard of our old h...

Planting Trees and Baby Bunnies!

     Spring came around this year and I looked around and realized that I missed the Crabapple tree that was in the yard of our old house.  I kept looking around and calling until I called Lowe's and they said they had some. So went and told Brent that I found some and and could we go buy a a few. Off we go , and he wanted to take the car.  13 trees later we have  Crabapples, fruit trees and a Redbud.

Just a few pictures of the 2 Moore Ranch Animal's.

      This is Robin. She has been with us since Jan. 2002.  She was born In Nov. 2001.  She still gets around and will walk around the barn and you can even find her wondering around the shooting berm. 

    This is Fred, the outside protector. His size and bark are enough to scare anyone off.  One day last year Brent walked around the side of the house and there was a little black puppy.  He went looking for the house it belonged at. Next day, Fred was at our house to stay.

     This is Betsey. She is our barn cat. One day when I went to get feed at the Feed store there was a box of kittens needing a home. The rest is history.  So far could not ask for a better cat.  She does her job really well. She is almost a year old now.

     The outside rabbits are doing fine.  There are 6 females in this outside area now. Midnight and her baby and Maxine and 3 of her babies.

(We were there the whole time with them.)

     This is some stuff that came up from seed from the deer plot that was planted here in the fall. We have been cutting some of it and giving it to the rabbits already. In another area there is a really good area of Rye grass coming up from the deer plot plus the Rye grass that we planted for them.

     All the litter of bunnies have been born.  Bella and Pablo had 8. Jasmine and Javier had 4. Duchess and Duke had 6, and Hershey and Bugs had 5.  They all seem to be really healthy. Duchess is the only one that may have a smaller one in a litter.

Duchess's (Do you really want to stick your hand in there?)

     We have started planting seed for everyone again , plus just trying to help get a handle on some of the weeds. So we went to Tractor Supple and bought some cattle panels to put around areas that we plant to everyone out until it gets big.  we are also planting some Bermuda grass.

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

This Weeks Sunsets

A few extra picture's.

First Buttercup.

Ranch Fresh Egg's!
Follow the Leader~

Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...