Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What a Year it Has Been !!!!!!!

     Talking to my mother this morning, it is hard to believe that it has been almost a year since we bought this place.  My first picture I took after we signed was a sunset picture. So today's blog is going to start with a sunset picture. We closed on our little Ranch on Feb. 6th last year.

      Maxine's babies are getting so big.  Their eyes are open and they are jumping in and out of the box now.  She had 7. Not sure I ever posted that.  Wont be much longer before they start staying out of the box bugging mom and then she will be wanting to stay in the box or sit on top of it to stay away from them.
     The girls in the rabbits barn are getting such beautiful colors. Their brown colors on their ears, nose's , feet are so dark and now their dewlaps are getting grey.
      Bugs started out and beautiful little tan bunny.  Now he is a such a a beautiful Red Rex.  He is such lover just like his daddy. Both of them want loving when you go to feed them.

     The girls are finally back in full swing .  WOOT ! WOOT!   We are getting 9 to 13 chicken eggs a day and 3-5 duck eggs a day now.  Funny thing is, that most  of the eggs are coming from the small flock of hens.  One day we got 9 eggs from the group alone and there are 12 girls in that run.
      After my sister in law made some chicken and Dumplings I decided to keep the stock and can it and I now have 16 jars of Chicken Stock.

     Because of a mouse problem in the barn , the cats are now sleeping in the middle part of the barn at night.  Hopefully they will get it under control as they are good mousers. Miss Trampas thought she may hide from some in this water. Silly cat. 

     We have a resident Roadrunner that hangs around in the front pasture.   We have been seeing him for several months and the other day he was playing around in the front yard.  Something even scared him in one of the pictures.  He is so much fun to watch.

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch


Cleaned out flower bed.

Bam Bam Holsters cutting out leather belts.


  1. Hard to believe it has almost been a year! You two have done so much work to the ranch these past months. It is looking so good!

    1. I know. It does not feel like it. The 19th is when we got to move in. Cant wait to see what we all we get to do this year.


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...