Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

      November 19th!   
     So hard to believe that it has been over a year since we made the decision to find a place out in the country and start our own homestead. Looking back at my first little blog post on Nov. 19th , WOW!  Two small paragraphs about finding this place and putting an offer in on it and just waiting to hear something back.
     February will be our one year mark for living on the Ranch. We have come a long way from the over grown place we first saw to what it is now. This top picture is where the duck yard was at first and where my fall garden and the deer plot are now planted.

      With Thanksgiving this week I am taking a break and will be back next week with the blog.  Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week!  We enjoyed an early Thanksgiving meal with our kids and our grand baby's this past Sunday.  It was a wonderful day.

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

This Weeks Sunsets

                                                            HAPPY THANKSGIVING

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