Sunday, September 13, 2015

A wonderful, Fun Week!

Never thought of myself as a fan of taking sunset or sunrise pictures, until we moved out here. That very first one I took after we signed the papers all started something.  It's like in the evening i have to go out at sunset just to see what it is going to look like. Most of the time I end up snapping at least 1-2 pics of it. 

I don't seem to be out and about in the mornings when the sunrises , so don't get a lot of pics.  I did however get these two this past week.  When I take one I really like I post it on our news channels Face book page.  They will take pics from their page and will show one on the news and a shout out to the person that posted it.  The first one with the kitty in it made the news.  Trampas the kitty is now famous, lol

We have some new members here at 2 Moores Ranch this morning.  The eggs in the incubator are starting to hatch.  These are the first 2.  There are several more eggs that have pips in them right now.   Hoping for a good hatching from this run.  Trying to get a head start on spring with growing some out this fall.

 About a week ago we noticed that one of our turkey hens was running off at dusk after eating.  Finally the other day I walked around looking everywhere and finally found her on a nest with 4 turkey eggs and 2 guinea eggs in some tall weeds by the barn.   Cant wait to see what she hatches out.
 Here is the mob waiting for us to come out of the shop to feed them.  They kept coming up to the door looking in to see if they could get us to come out and feed them.  They are all so crazy.  But walk out the door and you have to watch where you step because they will trip you up by walking under your feet.

Billy has got to get out of his cage of confinement. He is out loving his freedom of running all day.  His picture below was taken on a cool foggy morning. We had just let him out and he had already run from the back of the barn all the way up to the back yard.

 The babies out in the rabbit barn are so funny and cute.  These nesting boxes are on top of Pablo's cage.  They have to jump from the floor up on top of another cage, then to Pablo's and then into the boxes.  Guess they don't want to sleep on the ground.  Silly little bunnies.

This past week I have been doing some canning.  Had some pears needing to be put up and finally got them done.   I have really enjoyed putting food up for our use later in the year.  It is so much fun.

They pears were cut up and canned in a syrup mixture.
 The Spaghetti Sauce I made came from tomatoes out of our garden. Herbs were all from my herb garden also.  We already had a jar and it was yummy!

These were peas that I bought at the Farmers Market on Saturday morning. Got them all shelled yesterday and then today canned them.  I was a little nervous at first, but once I got the canner all set up and going I set my nerves aside.

Brent was able to get all the trees that we have cut or pulled down on the shooting berm.  Now all that is needed to be done is to start digging the pit and putting the dirt up on the top.  We have ordered some ground cover to plant on it to help keep it all in place.

Until next week ,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

A few extra pics from the week.
Close up of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

Spider Web with dew on it.

Night time in the pond.  Bunch of little frogs.

My Spider Lilies have started blooming. These are from an family member.

House warming gift from a friend.

Fred sad because he is getting a bath.

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