Sunday, August 9, 2015

A Week on the Ranch!

     We have queen of the hill or stump out in the grow out yard and let me tell you.  They sure are growing.  Also when you walk out there you never know where you will see. one.  If you look close in the top picture you will see one playing peek a boo also. 

       Billy our little guy that's gets to run around hangs out a lot by the girls looking for a way in.  You can see him and one of the girls playing kissy nose a lot of times. It can just lift your day when you walk outside and see Billy out running around. He is a great little pet and knows to go in most of the time without us having to go look for him.

      We have been having some really hot days here.  I guess the Dog Days of Summer have set in.  We usually take frozen water bottles out to the buns.  Not all of them use them, but they are there if they want them.  Usually it is the mommies and babies that want them.  Do you see the 2 liter bottle in this picture?

     I let the mommy hen and her 5 babies out this past week.  The first couple of days she brought them right back where they had been staying.  Then one night she decided to take them into the big chicken house.  She gathered them all up into a nest and that's where they stayed.  Next morning was no fun. Everyone in there runs out so fast they all get separated.  The next night I put them one by one back where they were suppose to be. 

     She has been taking them a little farther out each day free ranging.  She has been such a good mommy.

      The chickens have been really good to us and we have been getting a good count on eggs almost every day.  Our egg sales have also been picking up.  (If you live in the area and need some chicken or duck eggs just let us know.)

     This morning when I headed out to do the egg hunt for the duck eggs , there were 10.  That is the most we have gotten in one day so far.  When I say hunt, well sort of.  They don't really lay in a nest.  I  think think when they decide they need to lay an egg they just sit down.  Egg here, an egg there.
We have also been getting some large eggs that have turned out to be double yolk eggs.  More protein with each egg~   I have had some and our oldest son says he cant taste the difference.

     What can I say!  Another pretty sunset pic.  There was a storm coming in and I thought it was pretty.

Until next week,
The 2 Moores Ranch

1 comment:

Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...