Sunday, April 19, 2015

New Members to the family and new signs!!

      The entrance to the 2 Moores Ranch and is official. A young man who has been getting holsters made , made our signs for us. Saturday he and his father came out and put them up.  I missed all the ta do, but Bam Bam took some pics for me. They look great. Thank you so much guys,                                                            

     We have 1 new litter of babies in the Rabbit Barn.   Hershey our little unexpected baby from Our Rex we bought last fall had 6 on the 14th.  They are the cutest little babies and they look like they may be black.
     I had some Bell Peppers from the Bountiful Basket I bought 2 weeks ago and gave them to the rabbits. They love them.  I am going to try and grow some this year for them to eat.

     We have 9 new additions to the poultry barn.  7 Guineas and 2 baby chickens.   There will be more this coming weekend when my parents come.  They are bringing us several more Hens to add to the layers.
      The chickens are really enjoying getting to roam all the time.  The have their favorite spots to go to and the trees at the back of the house is the favorite.  Lots of shade and plenty of stuff to scratch in.
Robin, seems to have recovered nicely from all her problems and is even starting to beg for food while we are eating again. Been awhile since she has done that.  We are sure happy she is feeling better.
    This past week had several storms around the area.  Several of them went around us. But, Thursday we finally got some rain and also some hail.  We were lucky. It was only pea size so no damage.  Right now I am sitting in the living room and my feet are cold.  It is very windy and 58 outside. Oh well. Before too long we will be want some cool days.

     Until next week.
2 Moores Ranch


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...