Monday, September 25, 2017

Been a Busy and Sad Summer

    We lost a very good friend in May.  Robin our dog we had for almost 17 years died. We had gotten her when she was 8 weeks old.
     On the Friday before one of our sons dogs died unexpectedly.  So Robin and Blaze started the pet cemetery in the back. The other stone is for my dog Jenny that died several years ago.

     We have also seen and had to kill several Rattlesnakes this year. One bit our dog Fred No on the nose.  He had his Rattlesnake vaccine.  We treated him with ways we found on the internet and after 2 weeks , he was back to normal. We never did find that snake. But by the looks of the bite it was probably around 5 ft.

     This Rattle snake decided it was going to be in our barn.  No Way! I was walking in the barn to check on the chickens when this one rattled at me.  If he had not he may have bitten me.
     Then when Brent was mowing he went over another one and Fred No found him and almost got bit. It sure did scare him and us also. It was about 3ft long and Brent almost did not see him.

     Was not happy to find this big guy in our chicken house eating the duck eggs. This one was a Bull snake.

     We also lost our kitty Fluffy.  We went on vacation and when we came back she was gone.  We are thinking she may have been bit by a rattlesnake and died. She liked to hunt around the shooting berm. That is where Fred was bitten.

     We also have a new dog. We got her in July.  Her name is Coco.  She is still learning some things , but is a good fit to the Ranch.

     About a month or so back We received a lot of rain.  We had water standing for about a week on our place. I cannot remember how much.  The ducks and geese really did like it all.

Until Next time,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

     Sunset and Sunrise pics.

     Extra pics.

     Please log in to Google and leave us a comment!

Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...