Well, we have finally been able to get out and get the fences cleaned off from all the tumble weeds that that had blown up against them. It is so nice to be able to see them again. We also have two of the corrals cleaned. We ended up burning them on a few nice mornings when there was no wind blowing. It is just so nice looking out the window and not seeing them all.
AFTER!!! |
The ducks have sure been enjoying the unusual warm weather we have been having, which means they have been getting their pool filled up when the hoses are not frozen. Cant you just see the look on some of their faces? Pool Party!!!!!!
Once we got the tumble weeds cleaned out of one of the runs. We divided the flock. We had a Rhode Island Red Roaster and hens and we also a Golden Laced Wyandotte Rooster and 2 hens. We took him and the 2 hens plus a few Easter eggers and some other ones and put in this run and a part of the chicken house. He has a Harem of 13. Nine full grown ones and 2 younger ones. What we we will be working on is collecting eggs from this group and growing our flock of Wyandotte.
The RIR are in another run and another part of the chicken house. This will be the main flock. Hopefully we will have a good hatching of them this year..
We have had to keep the female turkey locked up as she keeps wanting to run off and look for a place to nest. Cant have that . She has had her wing clipped , but still keeps getting out. So she is on lock down for right now.
We have our first litter of babies in the rabbit barn. Maxine and Pablo are the Proud parents. She was one of the outside rabbits and had them in a box again during a snow snow storm. So we had to bring her and the babies in. Everyone is doing well and they are growing fast.
Egg production has picked back up and we are very happy. No more having to buy eggs. We are up to about 5 chicken eggs a day and usually 1 duck egg. Still a ways to go I know. But that's better than nothing.
Until next Week,
2 Moore's Ranch
This Weeks Sunrises and sunsets.