Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Welcome to the Ranch!

      Welcome to 2 Moore's Ranch to any of the new Blog readers or Face book readers. We bought this place back in Feb. A double wide, shop building , garage and barn on 5 acres.  We have done a lot of work around the place.  It was all over grown and needed a lot of cleaning up.  We mow the majority of it except for some of the front yard.  The prairie grass looks really pretty when it is blowing in the breeze or more than often the Panhandle wind.
       We raise animals for food here.  Chickens and ducks for eggs and meat. Rabbits for meat and then also Guinea Fowl for bug patrol and letting us know if something strange is around.

Drive way entrance.
Shop on the left, house on the right.
Front of house.
Back of house.

      Saturday I asked Ranch guy to help me trim a bush that I had wanted to trim for awhile.  It was an out of control Chaste Tree that had become a huge bush!  Got to where I was even afraid to walk around it because you could not see what was under it.  I dragged our little red ranch wagon over to it along with my gloves.
     Then he started cutting.  When those limbs started coming off boy did I get a surprise.  My little wagon was not going to do it. Ranch guy had to go get the tractor and a are big trailer. Once we trimmed the bush and then several other trees the trailer was over loaded.

Chaste tree that was out of control.
Trimming dead part out of poplar tree.

     We have started getting cold nights here and I know that the flowers are putting on their last shows.  I have been cutting and enjoying some of them in the house and taking lots of pictures of them.  I am so very happy with how my flower gardens have done this first year here.

hot pink Knock out rose.

Morning glories.
These Morning Glories were almost as big as my hand.
Pink Cosmos and Bumble Bee.
      Along with getting pics of the flowers I have gotten some of the animals in with the flowers also.  The animals have all been willing subjects for my photos. Whether they are after butterflies or other bugs They all seem to be in the right place at the right time.

The kitties playing.
Turkey, Guinea and Hens
Where's the food!
You going to open that gate and let us out??

     Rabbit barn got a new layer of straw last night for the buns to run and play in.  They also have a barrel cut in half and a dog house taken apart for them to run and play in.

  You can always tell when it is dinner time in the barn.  When you walk in they run in circles until they get fed and then they just pile on the hay feeder and go crazy.  Its amazing that they can all get around the feeder.

Bunny Mob!
Buns getting some sun.

     After our rains last week the lower parts of the shooting berm became a pond for the ducks.  When ever we needed to find them last week , that's where they were.

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

This weeks sunset pictures!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Meet the Rabbit's II and a Few of the Chickens!

     Last week I introduced everyone to the rabbits.  Well, I missed a few and miss named one of them.  The one I said was Maxine is really Bella.  Not really sure who her mom was or even her dad.  She was one of the grow outs on the floor that had babies so she stayed around. She is a really good bunny and mommy.
     Maxine is one of the rabbits that we put outside in the grow out yard.  She is the one on the left of the black bunny.  Pablo is the other white one out there.  So in about a month we should be having a few litters of bunnies.

     The newer grow out that we decided to keep is this black one.  Her name is Midnight.  She was one of the first rabbits we put out in the yard.  She was also the one that dug the largest hole out there and is in the process of building a new den in the area we have them in right now.  Will be interesting to see the colors of her babies.  Mom was Hershey and Dad was Duke.Both of them are Chocolate Rex's.
    Note: Midnight was one we could not catch when it was time to go to freezer camp. Figure if she was smart enough to evade that ,then she must have good genes. She is as wild as they get though.

     Meet a few of the chickens.  We have 3 Golden Laced Wyandotte's. 2 hens and a rooster.  I have decided to call the hens Buttercup and Marigold and the rooster Sunny (Sunflower). Early next spring we are going to put them in a place all by themselves so that we can get a few more of this breed.

     When we put a few of the hens in the chicken tractor last week . I picked some of the ones that had a lot of feathers missing on them.  I knew that some of them had been being picked on. Yesterday I noticed that their feathers are growing back and they are getting pretty.

     The cats are just being cats and the kittens are growing so fast.  Smoky sleeps a lot during the day and has found that the best place to sleep during the day is the outside hen boxes.  This is also where he goes to get away from the Guineas.  They don't seem to like Smokey.

     Betsey and Trampas are still being put up at night.  They are starting to take off when it is time be put up and if we don't get them before dark it is hard to find them.  They look ever so cute.  But try to get them after. It is a game to them but no fun.  You walk up to them reach down, and then they run.

     We had the first fire of the season this past week.  It was so nice and we sure did enjoy it.  With the rain coming in that we are suppose to be getting there may be more this week.  Kanga  was not sure at first and then the next thing I know, she is up in front of it.  She stayed there until the wood made a cracking sound.

     Gods wonderful sunrises and sunset this past week.  They were wonderful!

Until next week,
 The 2 Moore's Ranch

A few extra pics from the week..

Ranch dog got in trouble!

A really cool book we bought!!

Monarch Butterflies

Probably the last of the Cherry Tomatoes

The Guineas! "Hi, I'm Larry; this is my brother Darryl and my other brother Darryl and so on, lol.

Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...