Sunday, September 20, 2015

Such a Wonderful Week!

     We have such cute kitties here at the ranch.  We hit the jackpot when we adopted these 2 little kittens.  Trampas, the orange one has turned into the little lover of the two.  He wants to be with you where ever you are.  He takes such cute pics and is wonderful with our little grandson and just loves to be petted. Neither of the kitties have ever tried to scratch him and they are so gentle with them.

     Work on the shooting Berm has really come along since last week.  Brent did a lot of work on it Saturday and was able to get the front part all covered up and then broke the ground up in the front of it. We then seeded it with some ground cover.  The back part still needs to be covered up, but that can wait for a few weeks.
     He had a little help from Fred and Betsey was helping also by chasing the Cottontail rabbits up and down the berm.

     More work was also done on the pond and it is almost ready for the liner.  Most of the dirt that was dug out yesterday when to filling in the area between the house and shop.  It is one of the spots that when we received a lot of rain would flood. 
The new area that was plowed up and planted with greens for the rabbits is coming up wonderful.  This plot is seeded in bags of Deer Plot mix.  There is also a part of the area where the ducks use to go at night that we seeded in Chicory, Turnips and alfalfa.

  The outside rabbit yard has been eaten down pretty well and has been reseeded in rye grass and some other seeds .  There is not that many out there right now so it should have a good chance of coming up.  We have been mowing down the old food plot in the field but left a little out there fore Billy and the ducks to munch on.

     We ended up with 4 very cute babies last week.  They are going to be such cute chicks by looking at the colors of the feathers that are starting to come out.  We have the incubator full and going again. Hopefully this time we will get a better hatch.

     Our grandson loves to go out and see the ducks and the rabbits.  Today he was trying to walk up to the ducks but they just kept running from him.  He loves animals just like his daddy does.


     With some cooler days and much cooler nights it makes me think of fall coming on.  I can't wait to see what is in store for the Ranch. Some fall color in some trees? What the tall prairie grass will look like?  just more to look forward too. I have several fall mums planted and also have the pumpkins that are growing in our garden.  The chickens and the rabbits will be happy.

     My little pond has been home to a lot of frogs here the last few days.  The day I took this pic. I counted 34 and that is all I could see.  Big ones, little ones.  All I know is that when we were in town I always wanted to have frogs in my pond. Never had one.  Now too many, lol.

Until Next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

     Some wonderful Sunrise and sunsets from this past week.God is so wonderful!!


  1. Love all the pictures! Levi is so cute trying to play with everything. Just wait until you have both of them out there running around. I really like the new back ground and format on the blog - good job!

  2. Thank you. Wish i knew somewhere I could send the pics of Trampas for something.


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...