Monday, July 6, 2015

Another Week on the Ranch!

It was kinda a lazy week on the ranch.  Didn't get a lot of things done.  I went to Oklahoma Wed. afternoon and came home Thursday afternoon for a funeral of a friend.  These pics are a few taken around my parents place.  A lot of our chickens and all our Guineas came from my parents place.

What makes a Ranch look really good.  Getting that yard cut and trimmed and have flowers blooming.  I got out the other day and was able to get most of the yard mowed before Brent got home from work and then he finished up before dinner.
My Wildflower bed is sure getting pretty.  So many new flowers blooming .  Just think. All the seeds that fall this year should be even more next year.

We have moved 7 more of the grow out rabbits to the outside yard.  That makes 17 out there now.  There are so many deep holes out there.  Who knows how far they go.  They all seem to really be  having fun outside.

Billy our Rabbit that runs where ever he wants has been coming up here by the house now.  His range is getting bigger and bigger.
We have a Rex in the barn that is running on the floor that has had a litter in there in a burrow.  We should know in a few weeks how many she had.  Cannot wait. So exciting.
There is a hole there. We had to put wood there so as not to step on it.

 Each week we are getting around 8-10 dozen eggs. Our chickens are raised on non medicated feed and are Free Range.  Our eggs are picked up everyday and are cleaned and put in new cartons for you.
Don't you really want some Real Farm Fresh Eggs instead of these Farm Fresh eggs??

 Until next week,
The 2 Moores Ranch


  1. Your flowers are looking really pretty. I can't believe Billy is roaming all over the place. Aren't you scared the bunnies will dig out of their grow-out pen? If they are digging that much and so many - isn't there a chance they will inadvertently tunnel out? I hope not! :)

  2. Thank you. Billy is always up by the garage now. Has so many places in the back yard and he stays up here, Not really worried much about them digging by the walls anymore. They dig in the dirt pile now.


Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...