Our barn cat that came with the property has sure been making herself useful. Because of all the trash and rubbish that was around the place when we bought it, there is a lot of mice and rats. She has been helping out with stalking, killing and eating them. Good Smokey. She is a very friendly cat and loves to be petted, but does not want to be held. So we still have no idea if the kitty is a Mr. or a Miss. Oh well, she is paying for her food.
Today is the first day of Spring and I am so ready for it . Although I have enjoyed a nice warm fire the last two days while it was wet and cool. I bought some more daffodils and hyacinths to plant in a back flower bed the other day. Now it is really starting to look like spring around here. We were told there was an apricot tree here. Noticed the other day that there was some blooms on it. It is a rather large tree and I think it probably needs to be pruned a lot.
Brent has been getting to do some work on his shop and just about has all the sheet rock up on the walls now. Next up the ceiling. But it is looking really good out there now and should be cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter once all is finished.
Until next week,
The 2 Moores Ranch
Looking good! You've done a lot of work.