Sunday, January 22, 2017

A New Year !!!

     The poultry love their Fermented feed.  But we found out something. When it's freezing , the fermented feed does not do well.  So until we have a good warm week. They will just being having their feed scattered on the ground.

     When there is a warm day. We fill the pond for the ducks and geese.  They sure do enjoy diving and swimming.

     With the colder weather that we have been having. Fred No, the ranch dog has been learning to behave in the house.  He is big and still acts like a puppy.  Plus , we have had to make sure that there is not stuff around that he can chew up.  
     We also have to make sure that there is no food where he can get to it.

     We had our first major snow fall finally on Jan 6th.  We had around 3-4 inches.It was very cold , but we still needed to go out and make sure that the poultry and the rabbits had fresh water. Friday was not too bad. It was Saturday when the temps really dropped that made it really hard to not want to go outside, 

Until next month, 
The 2 Moore's Ranch

This months extra pics.

New storage shed.

Nice warm fire.

When its cold and on Sunday , you may look like Ranch girl, Fancy girl at the same time. (Coveralls and Ear rings.)


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Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...