Monday, February 29, 2016

Snow, Fermenting , Eggs , "Been Farming Long ?"

     We have been having some wonderful weather here and the trees and some of the bushes are even starting to get green. I have daffodil's blooming and you would just think that it is the end of March or April and not the end of February.

     To make sure sure we knew it Ole man winter came for a very short visit just to make sure we don't go planting our gardens yet.

     After seeing what we had been paying on poultry feed. We had to come up with a plan.  We switched them back to Layer Pellets. I put it in a 5 gal bucket and I’ve been fermenting the chicken feed with water and Apple Cider Vinegar .  They all love it.  I have to close the barn door to be able to open the bucket up.  They will jump in it and make a huge mess.  They will also get some bread in the morning and in the evenings.

     We wished and wished the girls would start laying. They started laying and now we have about 15 dozen chicken eggs and 3 dozen duck eggs. So if y'all are needing any eggs, just message or call us.

     Our oldest son and his family came out and this past week end and our oldest grandson loves animals.  We took him out to see the chickens and he walked around looking at them going Balk, balk balk.  That is his chicken talk.   He liked the ducks, Betsey and Fred really liked him.  Fred would not stop licking him.

"Been Farming Long?"

     Brent has so much fun playing with Fred.  He gets down on the ground and they wrestle and just have fun.  Fred just eats it all up and just jumps and runs all around Brent. If the poultry are around they just go crazy and make all kinds or noise. 

Betsey has been good.

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

This weeks Sunsets

A few extra pics for the week.

New babies in the Rabbit barn

Still Have green onions from fall.
     Make sure and check out husbands blog this week and see the different Koozies i have made.
link is at the top of page.
A Koozie I am making for a friend.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

A Week in Photo's on 2 Moore's Ranch

     The Herding cat Betsy was helping me herding everyone back into their yard. She does pretty good as her sister chases them and the rabbits.

      Working on a short fence to divide the rabbit yard.  Males will be be one side and females the other with wire buried down to hopefully stop them from digging out.

      This weeks Sunsets.

      Koozies that we have been making in the BamBam Holsters Shop for cans, water bottles and my belt.

Until next week,
2 Moore;s Ranch

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Getting a Head Start on Spring.

     Getting the ground for the garden area broken up. This is where the ducks have been living since fall. So there should be plenty of fertilizer in the ground.   We cleaned out about 4 or 5 wheel barrel loads of rabbit poop and put out there also.
     There will be a path going to the barn and hopefully this will be a better garden than last year.  The ducks and chickens will be in back of the barn. Brent will be plowing this up several more times before spring getting it all broke up and turned over several more times.

     After Brent was finished plowing the ducks and chickens scratched and poked around and then just went to sleep. The Guineas yelled at Brent the whole time he was plowing .

     We shoveled several loads of rabbit poop to take outside before Brent plowed.  Afterwards while I was putting down fresh straw I had a little help. Miss Trampas decided to help.  We also let the chickens in to scratch it around and help get it undone a little more.

     This picture is the small flock house.  Guess they thought they just needed to get all their business taken care of  at one time. Some days we get 9 to 10 eggs from this group of hens.  Altogether we are getting 13 to 14 eggs a day now from the chickens and 8-9 eggs from the ducks.   The bottom pic. is from this morning.

BamBam Holsters is branching out.  He is making Cell Phone holders and I am making Koozies.

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

This week sunsets and sunrise's

Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...