It was a sad week on the Ranch last week. We lost our ranch mascot Billy. While feeding and closing everyone up one night, we forgot to close the
back door to the chicken coop and Billy decided he did not want to stay
in an go to sleep like he was suppose too. He went out and did a little night time running.
Unfortunately , something else was out roaming also. Our little Mascot
was not alive the next morning. Billy has been buried in the outside
rabbit yard.
He had his territory that he would run in and we had even seen cottontails running out there with him also. At night we would round him up and he would sleep in the chicken house with them. They never bothered him and he never bothered them. It did not take long to get him trained to know that when the door was opened in the morning it was time to go out and run around, After a while he would be the 1st or 2nd out of the door ahead of everyone else. At night when we would go out to feed he would usually be out in the field. We would walk up to him and he would most of the time just start running back to the door and just hop right back in.
Really Crazy weather we are having here in Texas. We have had some cold mornings, but so far, no snow as of yet. I have just this past week picked the last of the cherry Tomatoes off my plants. I have 2 plates of green tomatoes sitting out waiting for them to turn red. I had some yesterday and they were great!
I have moved several Geraniums inside that have already starting to bloom again. I am also trying to over winter several different kinds of Mints, Lemon Balm and Citronella's. Also trying to get several willows to root and plant in pots so that we can plant them come spring
While I was out picking up some limbs yesterday for kindling I saw that we had a few pecan on the trees so stopped and picked the ones I could find. Cant wait until the trees get big! While I was out picking up pecans and limbs , the cats decided to join me. Betsey climbed up the tree and Trampas was playing around on the ground below the tree.
This weeks sunsets and sunrises.
Until Next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch
A few extra pictures from the week.
Two injured ducks in the rabbit barn. |
Kanga looking at bird in the bird window. |
Frost on the rabbit greens. |