Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Week on the Ranch!

      Things are just going great here at 2 Moores Ranch.  It feels so good to have everything cleaned up and To be able to just go about the daily doings now.  There are still things we need and want to do like painting all the buildings and finish digging the duck pond and such. But it is all things that can be done slower. 

        The rabbits outside have so many places to hide in and there is no telling how big the holes or dens are that they have dug.  Would love to put a camera on a Bunny and see what it looks like down there.  When you are out there you have to watch where you are walking or you will step in a hole.  We also leave some of the foliage out there tall so they can hide in it.  They have a hutch they can get in when they want to get off the ground and they have 2 covered areas that also have tree branches over and around them for protection.


Rabbits have been eating the turnips.

This is the hutch they can get in.
That white spot is Billy.

     Here kitty, kitty,kitty!  Boy they are sure getting around.  I cannot go outside without Trampas coming to help me. This past week I was planting some flowers that were given to us and Trampas was there in the way the whole time. He is also very curious and getting into so much.  Whether it is climbing the trees and scaring me or climbing up the ladder in the barn.  Was really surprised when he did that.  Don't see miss Betsey much.  She stays around the barn area either sleeping or checking on the rabbits and chickens.

No Trampas!

     My flowers are looking so pretty. It has been several years since I have had flowers like this.  Most were seeds but there were some that were plants.  Love them all.  When I was at my sisters this past weekend I gathered seeds from her flowers and also her mother in laws flowers.  Next year hopefully so much more flowers.

Morning Glories and Zinnia's


Oriental Lily

Mums that were given to us.

Mr. Frog under the flowers.

2 Spring Frogs in my pond.

      The chickens and ducks are just being well, chickens and ducks.  The little ones are now living in the rabbit barn since mom run off and left them.  They seem to be doing OK.  Two of them are roosters , so they will soon be in the stew pot.  One of them is part Ameraucana.  She has the cute little feathers that stick out on the side of her face.

      Put water in a pool or any where and your friends the ducks will be there.  This was the first swimming pool they had.  There was about 6`7 in that pool.  They are such crazy clowns.

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

Sunset pick for the week.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

WOW! Look at That!

Last week my blog started out with the one area that was still needing to be cleaned up on the ranch.  Well, that night we had rain and some the next morning so we ended up not being able to work on our real jobs. So out we went to work on the area.   A lot of large weeds and a lot of moving stuff and killing spiders it was done. The ducks and chickens are really enjoying the new area to find bugs in.
Weed eating

Look! It's clean!

 We finally got the door and a wall up to keep the chickens out of the hay part of the barn.  All the Alfalfa , straw and bedding grass is in there now.   The kitties can still get in here, but at least they can keep the mice out of there.

 Yesterday , We got out and cleaned up the middle part of the barn and cleaned up a part of the loft. The first floor has no more straw and grass.  Now not a lot of places for the unwanted to hide. In the loft we went through a lot of stuff and threw some stuff away and found some really cool stuff.

Found these really cool drawings in the loft.  From an artist S.L. Humphrey from Silver City, New Mexico.

My tomatoes are really starting to ripen now.  Just a small amount here ,not counting the ones in the living room window.  Also , my my mystery items growing out there have have been harvested. Two kinds of pumpkins!  Did some dehydrating this past week and put some Basil up and then put some Thyme and Oregano in some Olive oil and froze them. Also Froze some more eggs for this winter.
      My peas did not grow this year so when I was at the farmers market yesterday getting flour I bought some Black Eyed Peas.  House sure did smell good this morning when i was cooking them.

The other day when I was out feeding and watering the rabbits i opened the gate and called some of the chickens in to do some cleaning in the rabbit barn.  They stayed out there for several hours and did a lot of cleaning up.

We got the kittens so that they would be able to take care of critter control.  We knew that chickens would kill and eat mice, but who knew ducks would also. Found this duck killing this mouse.  Later after it was dead, Trampas cam along and played with it for a while and then did the rest of the job.
When they are not busy on the job. They are wanting to go to bed in the rabbit barn.

Night all!

The colors in the Tom's face are so pretty.  He is so much fun.  When we go out all we have to do is make a noise and he will gobble at us.
It's dinner time out in the barn yard and everyone is out trying to get their share.  We go out and yell here chick, chick, chick and Ducks, Turkeys, Guinea's and Chickens come running.  Better move out of the way!
When we were cleaning up this section of the yard we found a rather large Guinea nest in the tall weeds. There was about 30 or so eggs in it.

Took our pool down last week and moved the picnic table and chairs back where they had been and also set up an area with all my bird feeders so I can get the birds coming back. Maybe this fall i will have some really pretty birds stop by on their way south.
Back yard

 Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

A few parting shots for the week.

Planted 3 of the flowers from family.

Fog rolling in
Sunset after storm.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

This Weeks Work and Cute stuff

     We have almost all of the Ranch cleaned up with the exception of one area. This area is in front of the barn and beside the garage.  We had been storing wood and wood pallets beside the garage and the weeds really got out of hand there.  We started moving the pallets the other day out to a back corner where we are storing some items.
     Once this area is cleaned up it will have a fence put up across the front and it will be a new duck yard hopefully by fall.  The yard they are in now will be planted in rabbit food and part of it in a fall garden.

     Farm fresh eggs are so great!  Hopefully even once molting season starts I figure with the new hens we have we should be getting at least a dozen eggs a day.  Several of our older hens will be going to freezer camp this fall and we will also start incubating eggs to get our new girls for next year.
We are also going to be incubating Peking ducks eggs once we get them separated from the other ducks. 
From this....
To this!

From this.....
To this!

     The Bunny, The Bunny ! Oh we love the Bunny.  LOL  We sure do enjoy watching them  and seeing we they are doing.  Brent went out to the outside rabbit yard earlier and didn't see any.  He thought they had all gotten out.  He started looking and finally found them. They were all laying down under all the foliage in their yard.

Peek a Boo
 Then he went into the rabbit barn and found a bunny group under one of the shelves in there.
Hide , they won't see us here!

Bugs Bunny

Bunch of cuteness.

     As written in earlier blogs, my garden went to the bugs and weeds. The tomatoes have been doing good and also the zucchini.  Most of my herbs have done pretty good. I need to start drying my parsley and some thyme and basil. My oregano did not grow much this year and that was one I really needed.
     The Comfrey we have growing for all the critters has done awesome and we have also been propagating some of it to other areas.


Tomatoes that came up from  compost
      Out in the garden where I had watermelon and Pumpkin planted along with the zucchini.  I have 2 things growing that I am not really sure what they are. The first is like the size of a watermelon, but not sure that is what it is. Some say it is an over grown zucchini.
      This is the second one. It is either a round watermelon or this is the pumpkin, but not where it was planted.

     We got the yard mowed today.  It sure looks a lot better when it is mowed. I need to start mowing every week instead of every other week.  It had really gotten tall this time.

      The chickens, and all the other birds sure like it when we mow.  They get to get all the bugs that are trying to get out of my way.
Fluffy Butt Hen

Until next week,
The 2 Moore's Ranch

A few extra pics from the week.

Another Sunset

Orb Web Weaver I put in rabbit barn

The Mimosa's are doing great

Merry Christmas from the 2 Moores Ranch

Isaiah 9:6 6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his nam...